ALBUM REVIEWS – 1985 (Condensed)
Indeed, Alphonse Mouzon has reached new limits. This most recent offering by one of jazz’s premier drummers defies stylistic definition, and is simply a most danceable and likeable album. Here, Mouzon is a total musician – writing, arranging, and producing all material, playing keyboards, and, of course, programming all the computer drum effects. But he’s not alone. Contributors include Ronnie Laws and Ernie Watts on sax and Ray Parker, Jr. on guitar. This is an album of contrasts. Funky and synthesized “Do You Wanna Dance” and “Why Don’t You Break It” automatically inspire motion. The slow, melodic “Jean-Pierre” and the breezy acoustics of “Starting all Over Again” add versatility and display ingenuity known by few.
LA PRENSA de Los Angeles – OCT 27, 1993 (IN SPANISH)
Ajeno a estos grandes sucesos en la carrera de Mouzon, tambien han quedado sus albumes Distant Lover en 1982, The Sky Is The Limit en 1986, y en 1990 As You Wish, todos colocados siempre en la lista de los diez mejores. Pero la carrera de Alphonse Mouzon aun no termino. A su prestigio como baterista, une la de pianista, compositor, arreglador y productor. Estos excelentes CD se encuentran a la venta en las casas de musica o en su distributor: Tenacious Records, P.O. Box 7625, Northridge, CA 93572